Saturday, April 23, 2011

Boy Trouble!

I can be very overemotional if this isn't you then maybe you don't want to read this. I am going to write about how to sorta get over a boy. First you need to find the person you are closest to and vent everything to them, remember you can cry or if you feel he need to hold in the tears sorta close your eyes and hold it in. Then talk to the guy/girl about being friends, if you still like him try to still stay close to him. Also everybody should be open to a lot of friends. Then just forget about him move on and continue to have fun with your life :) and I know what your saying oh you can't say that I still love him, but no if he broke up with you he/she doesn't deserve you. But the last thing to know is, that no matter what you will always have friends and family to be with you and help you through anything!

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